Planning Commission

The Topeka Planning Commission has the responsibility of the adoption and recommendation to the City Council of the Comprehensive Metropolitan Plan to guide the orderly growth and harmonious development of the Topeka metropolitan area. Made up of 9 appointed members, the Commission meets in Council Chambers on the 3rd Monday of each month. The Planning Commission makes recommendations to the Governing Body. Information about the Topeka Planning Commission and its members can be found at

Types of Cases which go before the Planning Commission

  • All Zoning cases
  • PUD Zoning cases (new PUDs and Major Amendments to existing PUDs)
  • Conditional Use Permits (new CUPs and Major Amendments to existing CUPs)
  • All Major Plats
  • All Annexations (by policy; for confirmation that they are in keeping with the current Land Use and Growth Management Plan)

Process Outline

  1. Applicant(s) consult with planning staff to determine if an application is needed for Planning Commission / Governing Body approval. This is generally done by phone. Call the Planning Division at 785-368-3728
  2. Applicant schedules an in-person pre-application meeting with City staff. Email Annie Driver or call 785-368-3010
  1. Apply through our application portal, providing all documents required based on the case type, plus any additional documents requested by staff in the pre-app meeting. Payment is required with your application and can be made through the application portal. Once a complete application is received, your case is added to the appropriate month’s Planning Commission agenda (See Planning Commission Schedules & Fees).
  2. Work with Case Planner to schedule a Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM)
    1. A date, time and location are determined.
    2. Staff creates notices which the applicant/representative will mail to property owners within a 300′, 500′ (for projects 3+ acres), or 1,000′ (county) radius of the project. Staff will provide you with mailing labels and printed/folded notices and ask that you mail them out no less than 15 days prior to the scheduled meeting. You will need to provide the envelopes and postage.
    3. Staff creates public hearing signs which are to be placed by the applicant/representative no more than 2 days following the NIM. These will be picked up at the time you pick up the NIM notice mailing materials.
    4. Following the NIM meeting, you will need to send the Case Planner minutes or a meeting summary along with a list of attendees. This information will be included in the Planning Commission agenda packet.
  1. Project information is sent to City staff and outside agencies to review and provide feedback to the Case Planner.
  2. Based on the review comments received, the Case Planner provides a written summary to the applicant and/or their representative. The applicant/representative has an opportunity to respond to those comments prior to Planning finalizing a recommendation to the Planning Commission.
  1. Staff finalize their report and submit it to the Planning Commissioners 10 days prior to the scheduled Planning Commission meeting. A copy is also sent to the applicant/representative.
  2. Planning Commissioners review the information provided to them and the Public Hearing is held on the scheduled date. Possible outcomes from the Planning Commission vote are: Approval / Denial / Continue the case to a Date Certain. Note: A Major Plat does not, by law, require a Public Hearing; however, it is common for the Planning Commission to take public comment when reviewing a request for a Major Plat.
  1. Case information and Planning Commission Recommendations are forwarded to the Governing Body for review.
  2. The case is generally placed on the Governing Body agenda as a Discussion Item the following month and then as an Action Item at their next meeting. Possible outcomes: Approval / Denial / Case is returned to the Planning Commission for further consideration.
  3. If the Governing Body approves the application, a notice will be published in the official City newspaper and the ordinance goes into effect upon publication.

Public Notifications for Cases

Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) is scheduled for no less than 20 days prior to the scheduled Planning Commission hearing and notices sent to surrounding property owners. (300′ for projects 2.99 acres or less; 500′ for projects 3+ acres; 1,000′ for county residents). Notices are also posted on the City of Topeka website.
Public hearing signs are to be posted with 48 hours after the NIM meeting. Signs should be removed within 24 hours following the Planning Commission meeting.
These are published in the official City newspaper no less than 20 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Major Plats do not require advertising.
These are mailed to property owners within 200′ (1,000′ if in the county) no less than 20 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Major Plats do not require property owner notices.
These are provided to Planning Commissioners and published at 10 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting.

Archived Meetings

  • 12/16  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z19/09, CU19/08
  • 11/18  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z19/08
  • 9/16  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z19/07, PUD19/03, PUD19/02, ACZR19/01
  • 8/19  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CPA19/01, Z19/06, P19/09 request for design variance
  • 7/15  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): PUD04/06B
  • 6/17  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): PUD19/01, Z19/04, CU19/06, CU19/07, P19/11
  • 5/20  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z19/03, ACZR18/02
  • 3/18  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z19/01
  • 2/18  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU19/01, CU19/03, CU19/04, CU19/05, 2020-2029 CIP
  • 12/17  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z18/08, Z18/09, A18/02, P18/25, ACZR18/03
  • 10/15  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z18/05, Z18/06, Z18/07, Z55/43K
  • 9/17  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): ACZR18/01, ACZR18/03
  • 8/20  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z18/04, PUD18/02
  • 7/16  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z18/03, PUD11/05C
  • 6/25  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z18/02, PUD06/01C, PUD18/01, P18/13
  • 5/21  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Work Session
  • 4/16  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU07/05A
  • 3/19  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): Z18/01, CPA17/01
  • 2/19  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CUP18/01, 2019-2023 CIP
  • 1/22  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CPA17/01 Discussion Only
  • 12/18  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU17/02, PUD17/04
  • 11/20  -  Agenda  l  Minutes
  • 10/18  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): PUD17/03, Z17/04, Z17/05, CU17/01, CPA17/02
  • 9/20  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z17/03, PUD17/04
  • 8/21  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): PUD17/03
  • 7/17  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z17/02, PUD17/02
  • 5/15  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z17/01, Z69/44H, P17/05, P17/06
  • 4/17  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU04/03B, A17/02, PUD16/05A
  • 2/20  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): PUD17/01, 2018-20207 CIP, Z71/02E, ACZR17/01
  • 1/23  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): P16/20, ACZR17/01
  • 12/19  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU16/05, P16/20, A17/01, CPA16/01, PUD16/05, CU16/06, PUD16/06
  • 11/21  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z16/4, P14/11, Z82/17A (Continued by Applicant)
  • 10/17  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU16/5, Misty Harbor Estates No. 5 Subd. (Re-zoning Initiation)
  • 9/19  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): Z66-20D, P16-12
  • 8/15  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): PUD16-03, PUD16-02
  • 7/18  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): PUD16-03, PUD16-04, PUD16-02 (Continued by Applicant)
  • 5/16  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): NCD16/01, Z16/03
  • 4/18  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU16/03, CU16/04, Z16/02 (Withdrawn)
  • 3/21  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): ACZR16/01
  • 2/15  -  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): 2017-2021 CIP Projects, Elmhurst NCD
  • 1/25  -  Agenda  l  Minutes  |  Action Item(s): CU16/01, CPA15/02
  • 12/14  -  Agenda
  • 11/16  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): CPA15/01
  • 10/19  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): CU15/02
  • 9/21  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): PUD04/09B, Z02/07B, Z15/06
  • 8/17  -  Agenda
  • 7/20  -  Agenda
  • 5/18  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): Stone Crest Subdivision (Re-zoning Initiation)
  • 4/20  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): HDL15/01
  • 3/16  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): Z15/03, Z15/04, Z15/05 (Continued by Applicant)
  • 2/16  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): Z15/02, CU15/01, ASR14/01
  • 1/21  -  Agenda  l  Action Item(s): Z15/01, P14/11, P14/13