The purpose of the Board of Zoning Appeals is to administer the details of appeals or other matters referred to it regarding the application of the zoning regulations of the city. The Topeka Board of Zoning Appeals has the power to hear and determine appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by an administration official in the enforcement of the zoning regulations. The Topeka Board of Zoning Appeals may grant exceptions to the zoning regulations or variances in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Comprehensive Zoning Regulations as codified at City of Topeka Code. The Topeka Board of Zoning Appeals may also hear appeals of the sign ordinances. The Board of Zoning Appeals shall conduct business in accordance with the Comprehensive Zoning Regulations as codified in the Topeka City Code.
Made up of 7 appointed members, the Board meets monthly (as necessary) at the Holliday Building (620 SE Madison) on the 2nd Monday. Agenda packets can be viewed below.
For questions or comments, please contact Planning & Development at 785-368-3728.
- Additional information on the Commission and its members
- Board of Zoning Appeals Bylaws
- Board of Zoning Appeals Fees & Processing Schedule