Pedestrian Plan


The final plan was presented and approved by the MTPO Policy Board at their February 25, 2016 meeting. It was approved by City Council at the March 15, 2016 City Council meeting.

The plan was advertised/circulated for comment in January and presented at 2 public meetings. It was updated based on comments. Significant changes include:

  • Recommend how to achieve completion of all 18 priority project areas in 10 years instead of 30 years
  • Allow for funding opportunities of “other/future areas” not yet inventoried in the plan
  • Making sure brick sidewalks are part of the City’s 50/50 program
  • Creating a new Complete Streets Advisory Committee housed under the MTPO Policy Board (combine bikeways, ped, and complete streets)

The Plan recommends actions for the city to become more pedestrian-friendly and prioritizes over $21 million of sidewalk, ADA ramp, and crosswalk improvements in the city’s highest pedestrian demand areas. These include areas around schools, bus routes, parks, and intensive care/at risk neighborhoods. 18 geographic focus areas, including 13 neighborhoods and 5 corridors, were inventoried for improvements. The process has included 2 community forums, 4 meetings with a stakeholder committee, nearly 600 citizen survey responses, and 15 meetings with separate neighborhood groups.

Pedestrian Plan Appendices