The Stormwater Utility Defined
The Utility was created by Charter Ordinance and began operation on January 1, 1997. The fees collected by the Utility are designated by ordinance to pay solely for the maintenance, repair, enhancement and administration of the stormwater system of the City. The stormwater system includes inlets, pipes, levees, creeks and rivers and publicly owned or maintained ditches, channels, detention ponds and stormwater quality Best Management Practices (BMP).
Applies To Most Properties
All properties in the City are subject to the Utility fee with the exception of: public rights-of-way, streets, alleys and sidewalks and; drainage structures.
Based On Square Footage
The fee for the Stormwater Utility is based on the amount of impervious area a property contains. Impervious area is any land which has been covered or altered so that stormwater runs off, or infiltration capacity is reduced. Examples of impervious areas include: asphalt or concrete paved areas; buildings; gravel parking lots, driveways or storage areas. Impervious areas are determined using Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping and direct measurements taken by City technicians.
Rates & Billing
Customers whose properties are located in the North Topeka Drainage District (NTDD) receive a reduced rate from the City as those property owners pay a separate, stormwater tax to the NTDD (the NTDD is not affiliated with the City). Properties which contain existing stormwater management facilities, meeting applicable City standards, are also eligible for a reduction in the fee. Fees are generally billed as part of a consolidated utility bill containing water, wastewater, trash or other applicable services. An appeals process is available through the Stormwater Utility for citizens who believe their bill is in error.
View current utility rates.
Fees For Single-Family Homes
Single-family homes are charged a flat fee based on three size categories. The monthly charge is based on the number of days in each month, therefore the monthly fee will vary slightly.
Fees For Multi-Family Properties
Multi-family properties are charged a flat fee multiplied times the number of dwelling units.
Rates For Other Properties
Fees for businesses, institutions, tax-exempt properties, and government owned properties are based on the amount of impervious area.
Helpful Numbers
Customer Service Center– 24 hours per day including emergencies: 785-368-3111
Stormwater Engineer – General questions, appeals and stormwater management guidance: 785-368-3122