Understanding Your Utility Bill


  • Water meters are read monthly.
  • Readiness to Serve Charges are assessed per water meter and by the size the water meter.
    • The Readiness to Serve Charge, formerly known as the Base Charge, is a fee implemented to cover a portion of the fixed costs associated with billing services, meter reading and providing the availability to serve customers with service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This component of the bill includes fixed operation, maintenance and capital costs for both the water and the sewer systems that the utility bears in order to ensure the availability of clean and safe service to all customers, whether they use the service or not. The Readiness to Serve Charge is set based on the meter size so that operational costs associated with replacing, reading and rebuilding the meter, as well as providing adequate flow and pressure to those meters, are covered.
  • Volume Charges are assessed per 1,000 gallons of water consumed.
  • If your bill has been estimated, it will be noted on your bill with an ā€œEā€.
  • View an example bill explaining how meter, notice, message, past due and current account information is provided on your monthly statement.


  • The residential wastewater charge is based on the average water consumption used during the winter quarter (December – February). The charge will remain consistent for one year (generally April – April).
  • Non-residential wastewater charges are based on monthly water consumption.


Stormwater fees are assessed on the amount of impervious area you have on your property. Visit the stormwater webpage.

Outside City & Sherwood Wastewater District

  • Customers residing outside the City are charged premium water and wastewater rates and are also assessed a fire hydrant maintenance fee.
  • Customers served by the Sherwood Wastewater District are billed at rates established by Shawnee County.

Shawnee County Refuse