Board of Building & Fire Appeals

The City of Topeka’s Board of Building and Fire Appeals (BBFA) is responsible for reviewing and deciding on appeals relative to the application and interpretation of the currently adopted commercial and residential building and fire codes utilized within the Topeka jurisdiction. The BBFA has authority to hear and decide upon proposed alternatives, equivalencies and performance measures that may not be specifically prescribed by these codes.  To be approved, any proposal must comply with the intent of the provisions of these codes.  The BBFA does not have the authority to waive the requirements of these codes.

Members of the BBFA are appointed by the city council and are professionals of the Topeka community involved with building design, construction and development.  As architects, engineers and contractors, members of the board are qualified by experience and training to pass on matters pertaining to building construction. Board members must live within the limits of the City of Topeka. Employees of this jurisdiction are not eligible for appointment to the board as voting members.

The Process

An appeal is a review and hearing process initiated by filing of an application.  An application for an appeal is to be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled hearing date.  Payment of a non-refundable fee of $100 is required upon submittal an application.  Checks should be payable to City of Topeka.

2023 Meeting Schedule

2022 Meeting Schedule

The following items are required:

  • 8 copies of an application with attachments should include:
    • Explanation of the rationale and reasoning for the request with reference to the provisions of the code that have been incorrectly interpreted
    • why the provisions of the code do not fully apply
    • how the proposal complies equally good with or better than the provisions of the code
  • Details, plans or drawings defining what the code require
  • Details, plans or drawings defining the proposal

Application and supporting documents, along with payment of fee, should be submitted digitally to Richard Faulkner (
City of Topeka
Development Services Division
620 SE Madison, Unit 6
Topeka KS 66607

Fax: 785.368.3915
Phone: 785.368.3704

BBFA meetings are held on the
3rd Thursday of each month
at 10:30AM
Location: 620 SE Madison
3rd Floor Susan Gelvin Conference Room

For additional information about this and other boards, as well as a current roster, click here.