Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle Permit

Topeka’s Governing Body recently voted to update the city’s fire code, which includes a new addition that requires Mobile Food Preparation Vehicles (food trucks) to obtain a permit to operate and be inspected annually. All food trucks operating in the City of Topeka must obtain permits annually and also be in compliance no later than April 1, 2024. The permitting process will work alongside the code inspection process. The TFD Prevention Bureau wishes to serve as a resource and assist in providing the safest environment for all food truck operators, staff and customers.

We have developed an overview of the code requirements as well as a fact sheet and checklist for your convenience, below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Assistant Fire Marshal Dylan Smith at

*IFC stands for International Fire Code
**NFPA stands for National Fire Protection Association


No. If you’ve already purchased a license for 2023, you will not have to purchase another. You will still need to schedule an inspection with our Prevention Bureau. Please click the green, “Request Mobile Food Preparation Vehicle Permit/Inspection” button above to submit your information and we will be in touch with you about scheduling an inspection.
Once you have submitted the form above, the Topeka Fire Department’s Prevention Bureau will reach out to you to schedule an inspection at some point in the next 90 - 120 days. After the initial inspection, they will follow up with you again in 60 days to make sure you are making necessary changes, if any. This process will continue until you are in compliance.
April 1, 2024. You have one year from the date the code goes into effect, which is April 1, 2023, to become compliant.
The Topeka Fire Department’s Prevention Bureau wants you to succeed. We will work with you to help you become compliant, and as long as you are making the steps towards any noted improvements, we will support you.
All cooking operations are required to have an ABC multi-purpose extinguisher. If your cooking operation produces grease laden vapors, you will need a Class K fire extinguisher in addition to the ABC extinguisher. You can find K fire extinguishers through local fire extinguishing systems contractors. For additional guidance on fire extinguishers in your food truck, visit this article here.
Please see the National Fire Protection Association Food Truck Fact Sheet and Checklist above.