Consolidated Action Plan

Feedback Requested on 2024 Consolidated Action Plan

If you have comments or suggestions regarding the City of Topeka’s 2024 Consolidated Action Plan please submit your feedback via email to Shane Wilson at

The Consolidated Action Plan is a requirement of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that combines the planning and application process for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), and the American Dream Down-payment Initiative (ADDI) and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Programs. In addition to these programs administered by the City of Topeka, applicants of other HUD funding sources are required to certify that the application for funds is consistent with the City’s Consolidated Plan.
The main objective of the Consolidated Plan is to develop a comprehensive strategy that addresses the City’s housing and community development needs over a five-year period. Development of the Consolidated Plan was a collaborative process with input gathered during the citizen participation process from area residents. Specifically, the citizen participation process targeted populations directly impacted by the funding, such as: low and moderate income persons, senior citizens, and homeless persons.

In addition to area residents, input was gathered from faith-based organizations, nonprofits, and government agencies. The Consolidated Plan examines the housing and community development needs gathered during the citizen participation process, the current housing market conditions and the housing needs of specific populations. The Consolidated Plan then establishes the priorities for spending the federal funds the City expects to receive annually from HUD; identifies goals, objectives and benchmarks used for measuring progress.
In 2021, HUD announced that the City of Topeka would receive an allocation of $2,064,660 in HOME funds set aside for homeless assistance and assistance to other vulnerable populations as part of the American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP). The main eligible activities of this funding include affordable rental housing, tenant-based rental assistance, supportive services, and non-congregate shelter. The amendment contains recommendations for allocation within the community based on the gap analysis contained within. The amendment must ultimately be approved by the Governing Body after the conclusion of a public comment period.

View HOME-ARP Allocation Plan

Important Documentation