Services Provided
The Probation division consists of a probation officer II who supervises the daily operations, two probation officer I, and one court clerk II. The primary focus of the division is case management, ensuring both the needs of the Municipal Court and the defendant are being met. The division also conducts pre-sentence investigations and drug and alcohol evaluations on defendants.
Additionally, the division is responsible for recruiting non-profit agencies, monitoring Community Service and the tracking and monitoring of House Arrest participants with the contracted provider.
Pre-Sentence Investigations
Pre-sentence investigations provide criminal history and pertinent background information; drug and alcohol evaluations are completed by certified staff providing appropriate recommendations for treatment.
The information is compiled and sent to the city attorney, Municipal Court judges, defendant, and defense attorney, when retained, and is used for determining appropriate action at sentencing.
Alcohol Information School
The Probation Division also offers an Alcohol Information School on the second and third Friday of each month from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. This is a required two-part education to be completed as directed by the Municipal Court judges. There is a fee associated and payment is made in advance.