You shall not violate any law (federal, state or local).
You shall notify your probation officer the next working day if questioned or arrested by a law enforcement officer.
You shall seek and maintain employment in a lawful occupation and provide proof of such to your probation officer.
You shall avoid injurious or vicious habits.
You shall avoid persons or places of disreputable or harmful character.
You shall report to your probation officer as directed, follow their instructions and permit visits at home or elsewhere.
You shall abstain from consuming alcohol or cereal malt beverages, the use of illegal mood or mind altering drugs or frequenting places where alcohol, cereal malt beverages or illegal drugs are sold, distributed or consumed.
You shall submit to chemical testing upon the request of the Court, its agents or law enforcement officers.
You shall participate in, cooperate with and successfully complete and pay for all evaluations, treatment, counseling, education, community service work or other programs required by the court or supervising probation officer.
If granted community service in lieu of fines, all hours must be completed by the deadline ordered by the judge. Proof of completion must be provided to the Topeka Municipal Court
Probation Division. Call (785) 368-3783 for information on businesses/organizations approved as community service participants, or for general information on the program.
If sentenced to complete Alcohol Information School, proof of successful completion with an approved provider must be submitted to the Topeka Municipal Court Probation Division within 120 days of sentencing.
If ordered to complete inpatient/outpatient substance abuse treatment, proof of successful completion must be provided to the Topeka Municipal Court Probation Division within 120 days of sentencing.
If sentenced to AA/NA or support meetings, signed attendance cards must be turned in to your probation officer as directed.