Neighborhood Association Information

Both NAs and NIAs are dedicated to providing neighborhood input to City and other local government entities regarding development, crime prevention, street conditions, lighting, preservation, and revitalization. Their overall goal is to form positive relationships with neighbors and local organizations to beautify, safeguard, and create a vibrant neighborhood community. They encourage neighborhood participation by working to maintain the value, beauty, safety, and diversity of their neighborhoods and by providing information, meetings, programs, and events on matters of general neighborhood interest.

To be considered an NIA, the neighborhood must have 51% or more households with incomes less than 80% of the Topeka area median income as currently determined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The City’s Community Engagement Division assists all Topeka Neighborhoods by sharing information about neighborhood meetings and events, providing community resources and information, and helping to bridge connections between local government entities, institutions, businesses, social services agencies, and the community.

The City also provides Neighborhood Improvement Associations with additional technical assistance, some monetary support, and other funding opportunities.