Both NAs and NIAs are dedicated to providing neighborhood input to City and other local government entities regarding development, crime prevention, street conditions, lighting, preservation, and revitalization. Their overall goal is to form positive relationships with neighbors and local organizations to beautify, safeguard, and create a vibrant neighborhood community. They encourage neighborhood participation by working to maintain the value, beauty, safety, and diversity of their neighborhoods and by providing information, meetings, programs, and events on matters of general neighborhood interest.
To be considered an NIA, the neighborhood must have 51% or more households with incomes less than 80% of the Topeka area median income as currently determined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The City’s Community Engagement Division assists all Topeka Neighborhoods by sharing information about neighborhood meetings and events, providing community resources and information, and helping to bridge connections between local government entities, institutions, businesses, social services agencies, and the community.
The City also provides Neighborhood Improvement Associations with additional technical assistance, some monetary support, and other funding opportunities.
To be considered an NIA, the neighborhood must have 51% or more households with incomes less than 80% of the Topeka area median income as currently determined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The City’s Community Engagement Division assists all Topeka Neighborhoods by sharing information about neighborhood meetings and events, providing community resources and information, and helping to bridge connections between local government entities, institutions, businesses, social services agencies, and the community.
The City also provides Neighborhood Improvement Associations with additional technical assistance, some monetary support, and other funding opportunities.
- 2010 Census Map with Block Groups/ 2020 LMI and NIAs
- Neighborhood Revitalization Program (this is a Planning Department program and questions should be directed to the Topeka Planning Department at 785-368-3728)
- Consolidated Action Plan
- Neighborhood Plans
- Neighborhood Health
- 180 Awesome Community Building & Engagement Ideas
- Keep America Beautiful - Topeka & Shawnee Co.
- KS Register of Deeds
- Topeka Municipal Code 2.25.050
- Starting a Neighborhood Improvement Association
- Roberts Rules of Order Quick Guide
- NIA Support & Technical Assistance Guidelines Handbook
- NIA Support Fund Budget Proposal Request Form
- Instructions on How to Order from Amazon
- NIA Supply Item Order form (10 or more items)
- W-9 Form
- ACH Form
- Dumpster Placement Permission Form
- Neighborhood Clean-Up Programs (Guidelines)
- Editable Election Form 1
- Election Form 2
- Newsletter Template quarter postcard
- Newsletter Template quarter postcard (501c3)
- Newsletter Template half postcard
- Newsletter Template half postcard (501c3)
- Newsletter Template full page
- Current Newsletter Cost Sheet
- 2024 Training Webinars
- 2024 CDBG Priorities & NIA Funding
- 2023 Annual NIA Support Workshop
- 2022 NIA Support & Budget Planning Meeting Presentation
- 2022 NIA Support & Budget Planning Recorded Meeting 01/19/2022