Office Breakdown

This organization chart depicts the structure of the DEI Office and the City departments/divisions it oversees.

DEI Office Roles per City Policy/Plan

Responsible for coordinating the efforts of the City to comply with Title II and investigating any complaints that the entity has violated Title II. 12 total complaints have been received to date (this includes a mixture of city owned properties and private).
Responsible for looking at city policies and services through an LGBTQ lens and provide feedback when a policy or service might exclude LGBTQ people.

DEI Office Boards/Committees

The Topeka HRC is a nine-member Board of Commissioners who are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The mission of the THRC is to conduct outreach and educational activities that promote justice and cultural understanding and improve relationships among all citizens of Topeka. The HRC meets every second Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m.
This a nine-member council with or without disabilities, appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. The mission of the Topeka ADA Advisory Council is to support the civil rights of and full integration into Topeka community life for all people with disabilities. The Council meets every second Tuesday of the month at 1p.m.
The Topeka and Shawnee County Get Digital coalition provides affordable and equitable access to computer and internet equipment and services, along with technical support, training opportunities, and digital literacy services for low and moderate-income individuals and families. This coalition originally started as a partnership with leaders from local community organizations, in order to work toward this shared vision. The City is currently working towards bringing this program under the DEI Office and the relationship will be formalized through the adoption of bylaws. The DEI Office and Community Engagement will provide staff support and help coordinate the coalition’s efforts.