The Traffic Operations Section maintains all school zone flashers in the City of Topeka. School zone flashers are designed to provide a notification to drivers entering school zones of the reduced speed limit conditions during the flashing periods. The school zone flashers are powered either by standard electrical power or solar power panels, which flash standard yellow signal sections to notify drivers of the school speed limit conditions.
School zone flashers are installed based on the presence of schools, school pedestrian travel patterns, and roadway types based upon a traffic engineering review. School zone flashers operate only during school days during the normal school year or summer school period.
For non-emergency after hours calls, please call the City of Topeka Call Center at 368-3111. To report emergencies, call the Topeka Police Department at 368-9551, or dial 911. To request underground cable locates any time of day, call Kansas Dig Safe at 1-800-DIG-SAFE (344-7233) or dial 811.