The Traffic Operations Section maintains all on-street pavement markings within the City of Topeka, except the interstate highway system and some major State routes. Pavement markings define traffic lanes, parking stalls, stop and yield lines, pedestrian and school crosswalks, arrows and other pavement legends. Pavement markings provide for the safe traveled ways for both vehicles and pedestrians and are generally located in the higher traffic streets.
Pavement markings are typically either white or yellow markings. White markings are generally used for lane lines of traffic going in the same direction, right edge lines, crosswalks, stop and yield lines, arrows, legends, and parking stalls, Yellow pavement markings generally provide for the separation of traffic flows in different directions, left edge lines, and some median formations.
Pavement markings are generally placed by a street painting method using a large truck mounted applicator, or by a smaller hand operated painted machine. Painting operations are protected by a trailing vehicle or by traffic cones, but traffic should be cognizant and avoid running over freshly painted lines.