Overview of Board Appointment Process

The mayor wants citizens to understand the appointment process for our various city boards and commissions. The requirements vary from board to board. If you are considering serving on a Topeka board or commission, we hope you find this information helpful.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact the Mayor’s office at mayor@topeka.org or call 785-368-3895.

  • All open positions will be posted on the City of Topeka website at least 60 days in advance of the opening.
  • Certain boards require nominations by city councilmembers. (See city boards requiring council nomination below)
  • All persons, including current members seeking re-appointment, will need to complete an application form by the stated deadline in the notice.
  • The general application for appointment is available on this website or from the Mayor’s Office.
  • When a nomination by a city council person is required, the person seeking the appointment is responsible for contacting a council person to request nomination.
    City Councilmembers contact information is available on this website. Current members seeking re-appointment will need to be re-nominated for appointment.
  • The person seeking appointment will be responsible to confirm with the Mayor’s Office that their completed application is received and if required, that a council member has nominated them. (See city-created boards below.)
  • The Mayor’s Office will not release the name or application of a nominee to the public unless the person is selected by the Mayor for appointment. When selected, the Mayor will send the names (and applications) of his appointees to the City Council for approval on the public consent agenda.
  • Nominees selected for appointment will receive a confirming appointment letter from the Mayor.

Nominee Selection

City ordinance requires that councilmembers select the nominees for membership to any city created board.
If you are seeking nomination to a city-created board (see list below) you will need to contact your council person (or any council person) and request that they nominate you to serve. This requirement applies to first time appointees as well as re-appointees.

The Mayor’s Office suggests that you complete the application form provided above and submit it to your council person when requesting to be nominated. The council person will submit your name for nomination along with your application form and accompanying information to the Mayor’s Office.City

City Boards Requiring Council Nomination:

  1. Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Council
  2. Board of Building and Fire Appeals
  3. Board of Electrical Appeals
  4. Board of Mechanical Appeals
  5. Board of Plumbing Appeals
  6. Board of Zoning Appeals
  7. Citizen Advisory Council
  8. Civil Service Commission
  9. Human Relations Commission
  10. Topeka Planning Commission
  11. Topeka Sustainability Advisory Board


Statutory Board Requiring Council Nomination

1) Topeka Metropolitan Transit Authority


Mayor Appointed Boards

Please follow the same procedure as the city-created board.

All Other Boards where the Mayor Appoints Without Council Nomination:

Any board not listed above will be directly appointed by the Mayor. Any person seeking appointment to one of these boards must submit the online application and accompanying background information directly to the Mayor’s Office.