Topeka Zoo Orangutans to Make Super Bowl Winner Picks

Who is going to win the big game on Sunday?  The Topeka Zoo’s orangutans know the answer.  The media is invited to the Topeka Zoo Friday, February 5, 2021 at 10:00 AM to watch the orangutans unveil their answer.  Interested members of the media should arrive at the zoo about 10 minutes before 10:00 and make their way to the Lianas Forest where the zoo’s orangutans live.  The orangutans will reveal the winner promptly at 10:00.

The Topeka Zoo is home to a family group of three Bornean orangutans ranging in age from 7 to 35.  Orangutans are the only great ape native to Asia.  The wild population of orangutans has decreased by 50% over the last sixty years mainly due to habitat loss.  We can help protect orangutans by making sure we utilize products made with sustainable palm oil.