Public Meeting on Zoo Drainage Project

On Monday, December 3rd at noon, the Topeka Zoo will host a meeting to share updates about the storm water management project getting under way in Gage Park. When completed, Gage Park will benefit from a planted drainage swale and detention pond that will manage and clean storm water that flows through a portion of the park. The project will essentially develop two new ecosystems in the park benefiting native wildlife and presenting educational opportunities.
The project will change how areas along Zoo Parkway look. During the installation of the storm water management system, approximately 30 trees will be removed. They will be replaced by a more diverse variety as the project concludes next spring. Some of the oaks that are at the end of their life span will be used to make benches. Other trees will be recycled back into the park in different means.
“When we held the last public meeting about this project back in September, it was hard to understand the scope of the project just looking at a piece of paper,” said Zoo Director Brendan Wiley. “With areas in the park now marked, we want to provide another opportunity for the community to ask questions.”
The meeting will be held on Monday, December 3rd at noon in the Gary K. Clarke Living Classroom at the zoo.