City of Topeka shares update on purchase of Hotel Topeka

The City of Topeka continues to move forward with the process to purchase Hotel Topeka at City Center, and involved parties have agreed to a tentative closing date.

“The process to purchase Hotel Topeka is very much in the works, and we want the community to know that the city is committed to the purchase of the hotel. The hotel remains open for business, and the Governing Body has been very clear that they intend to keep the hotel open for business after the city’s purchase has been finalized,” said Topeka Mayor Michael Padilla.

Because Hotel Topeka is in receivership, the purchase of the hotel has to be approved by the court. Following a recent Shawnee County District Court hearing on July 25, the court is reviewing the sale and an order approving the sale is expected soon. Once the court’s order is entered, the parties will proceed with closing. The parties have scheduled a tentative closing date for October 31.

“Hotel Topeka at City Center continues to operate at the court’s direction under receivership, and expects to continue booking reservations and events. The hotel will remain open to service guests throughout the entire transition to city ownership with the same level of hospitality patrons have come to expect,” said Jason Dinkens, a representative of the hotel’s current management company.

In June, the city released two requests for proposals (RFP) related to the hotel; the first for an asset manager who would oversee the hotel and any future operator, and the second, for an evaluation of the hotel’s existing facilities and systems. The RFPs have since closed, and the city received 14 responses related to the asset manager, and four responses related to the assessment. The city is currently evaluating the responses, and in the coming weeks will look to conduct interviews with finalists before negotiating and awarding contracts.

The city is meeting regularly with key stakeholders including Visit Topeka, Shawnee County and others as it works to collaboratively determine how to best re-develop the hotel.

“I applaud the City of Topeka for their proactive efforts to purchase this hotel property and keep it fully operational during a period of transition,” said Sean Dixon, president of Visit Topeka. “Thanks to the city’s work, Topeka’s future as a convention destination remains viable and is bound to exceed our expectations. Visit Topeka is committed to helping the city keep Hotel Topeka’s doors open, all while opening new doors of possibility for this community. The future of Topeka’s full-service convention hotel is looking brighter than ever.”