City of Topeka releases 2024 ‘Point in Time Homeless Count’ numbers

Topeka and Shawnee County’s homeless population has increased by 125 people since
2023, according to numbers released Friday from the City of Topeka’s annual Point in Time Homeless

The count took place on January 25, 2024. The one-day event provides a snapshot of the individuals in
the community who are experiencing homelessness, as defined by the United States Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD). More than 40 people helped with this year’s count.
The Topeka and Shawnee County Continuum of Care (CoC) held off on releasing their annual Point in
Time data in order to collaborate with other CoC’s across the state. Statewide collaboration will not only
give them better data, but allows for more funding opportunities. However, given the recent inquires,
the Topeka/ Shawnee County CoC is releasing their local data ahead of the statewide release.

“After the Continuum of Care communities submits their Point-in-Time results, HUD reviews the data
and then gives the CoCs a thumbs up when they approve the reports,” said Christy McMurphy,
Executive Director for the Kansas State Homeless Coalition. “For the first time, the Kansas Continuum of
Care leads decided to compile a statewide Point-In-Time report, to be released after all Kansas’ CoC data
has been approved by HUD. The statewide report will list each Kansas CoC’s results as well as a
statewide compilation.”

According to the count, 537 people and 442 households are experiencing homelessness in Topeka and
Shawnee County. 62% of those who are homeless are male, while 37% are female. 203 people are
unsheltered, meaning they are not living in an emergency shelter or in transitional housing.

“In light of the national trend indicating a rise in homelessness, the increase comes as no surprise to us,”
said Carrie Higgins, Housing Services Division Director. “We are fortunate to have great partners that
collaborate with us and we used the PIT count as another touch point to connect individuals to

Below is a chart that breaks down the numbers from the previous four counts. For a more detailed look
at the 2024 number, visit:


To receive funding for programs, HUD requires communities complete a count each year. The count
ensures the city can obtain the appropriate level of funding to be able to provide needed services to
those experiencing homelessness and those at risk for homelessness.

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
People 401 298 365 412 537
Households 306 254 297 322 442
# of Veteran Households 40 16 37 25 47
# of Individuals in an Emergency Shelter 254 155 163 194 276
# of Individuals in Transitional Housing 51 38 54 61 58
# of Individuals Unsheltered 68 105 148 157 203